
About the Logo

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The CICI logo was developed by designers at William H. Sadlier, Inc. and contributed by Sadlier to the project. The logo in any form may be used only with permission, following protocol established by the CICI Board of Directors.

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We read all feedback carefully, but please note that we cannot respond to every comment.

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Mission and Vision

cath-school-girlMission: Catholic Identity Curriculum Integration (CICI) is a national collaborative project to develop and disseminate academic resources and professional development that supports the integration of Catholic Identity into locally developed rigorous, standards-based curriculum.

Vision: CICI accomplishes this by:

  • Developing and disseminating frameworks, guidelines and resources
  • Collaborating, with NCEA, Catholic universities, religious congregations, corporations and sponsors supportive of Catholic Education
  • Empowering peer reviewers who design and evaluate curriculum units


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