CICI Governance
CICI Board of Directors
The CICI Board of Directors consists of nine directors elected by the following three constituencies: three (3) representatives from the leadership of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), three (3) representatives from the founding universities (Boston College, Loyola University Chicago, St. John's University NY) and three (3) representatives from the founding corporate sponsors (Catapult Learning, William H. Sadlier, Inc, Riverside Publishing, Rowland Reading, Mindstreams, AdvancED, Inc, and the Sisters of the Presentation of Dubuque, IA). A representative from the NCEA, appointed by the NCEA's President shall serve as the Convener of the CICI. The directors shall serve one-year terms.
- Participate in activities, initiatives, and programs that promote the purpose of the organization.
- Support the initiative financially, professionally or both.
- Participate in the annual meeting.
- Engage others in ad hoc committees to support the work of Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative (CICI).
2013-2014 Board of Directors:
Br. Robert Bimonte, NCEA; Sr. Dale McDonald, NCEA; Kathy Mears, NCEA; Mary Jane Krebbs, St. John's University; Lorraine Ozar, Loyola University Chicago; Patricia Weitzel-O'Neill, Boston College; William S. Dinger, William H. Sadlier, Inc.; Ronald Valenti, Catapult Learning; Sr. Leanne Welch, Sisters of the Presentation of Dubuque, IA
CICI Executive Committee
The CICI Executive Committee consists of three directors, with one representative to be chosen by each of the three constituencies represented on the Boards of Directors. A representative from the NCEA, appointed by the NCEA's President shall serve as the convener of the Executive Committee.
2013-2014 Executive Committee:
Sr. Dale McDonald, PBVM (NCEA), Lorraine A. Ozar, Ph.D. (Loyola University Chicago), William S. Dinger (William H. Sadlier, Inc.)